A Tribute to Mary Sue Hubbard
Mary Sue Hubbard Lafayette Ron Hubbard


Wife of L. Ron Hubbard

Remembered with Respect and Honor

This site is sponsored by the
Association of Professional Independent Scientologists

This site is operated by independent scientologists and is neither endorsed by, associated or affiliated with the corporate company known as the Church of Spiritual Technology or it's companies and churches such as the Religious Technology Centre, Church of Scientology International, or any other of it's affiliates, corporations, management organisations or groups

Mary Sue Hubbard Quote
"...To my dear husband, auditor, teacher and our Founder, go my thanks and acknowledgement for having given the most precious gifts of Freedom and true Beingness to me and my fellow Man. Without him, none of this would have been possible; and so to Ron goes my everlasting gratitude for having provided for all of us the Road to Clear."

Farewell Sweet Mary Sue

by Carolyn Ann Brown, USA

Reproduced courtesy of IVY Magazine and grateful acknowledgement is made to Carolyn Ann brown and to Antony Philips of IVY for permission to reproduce these reflections about the First Lady of Scientology.

I MET MARY SUE in 1956 in Washington D.C., when Ron and Mary Sue returned from England, in time for the Labor Day Congress. Suzie, as we, the staff called her, was a sweet, friendly Texas girl. Suzie always treated me with kindness and consideration. Once I was concerned about losing my job and Mary Sue said, "Carolyn Ann, you are one of the family".

I took care of her children, Diana, Suzette and Quentin, in January and February of 1957. She would give me money to take them to the park, as we only had one bedroom for them. Since the one bedroom in the Academy of Scientology had temporarily become a nursery, Mary Sue had to come up with some very resourceful ideas on how to entertain her children. The children would run to the bathroom, obtain water, sometimes, I believe, in their mouths, run back to the bedroom and have water fights. My favorite story is; Suzie told me to take them to a flower show. Two of the children had flaming red hair. As they were sitting down by the flowers, people would walk by, stop and say to me, "These children are more beautiful than the flowers here!"

Diana, I hope you read this. you had the grace of a princess. Suzette, I would lay on the bed with you at nap time, looking at your sweet, freckled face, I loved you. Quentin, theta bless you, wherever you are!


Copyright (c) 2006 - 2020. By the Association of Professional Independent Scientologists. The International Freezone Association Inc known as the Association of Professional Independent Scientologists is a non-profit association dedicated to the promotion and expansion of the workable philosophy of Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. It is independently operated by independent scientologists who are exercising their right to free religious expression and practice and is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Church of Scientology™, its affiliates, corporationsand commercial management organisations, groups, CST or the RTC.
Webmaster: Association of Professional Independent Scientologists